Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Apache WSS4J 1.5.0 Released

We released WSS4J 1.5.0 today. Release note:

The WSS4J team is happy to announce the 1.5.0 release of
Apache WSS4J, the Web service security implementation.

You can download the releases from:

The distributions to the mirror(s) sites will be available in the next
few days.

Apart from the binary and source distributions, We have an additional
ZIP file that contains other required JAR files to install and run WSS4J.

Please refer to the *readme.* files in the distribution for
further information regarding implemented features, additional
information, links to the Wiki pages, etc.

Note that major refactoring from the 1.1.0 to 1.5.0 is mentioned in
the wiki :

More information about WSS4J and related projects is available
on the WSS4J homepage:

We hope you have fun with this new WSS4J :-)

The WSS4J team

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